Please view our adoptable animals here. If there is an animal you are interested in please submit the adoption application.
In order to meet an animal you must have an approved application on file prior to the meet and greet.
All of our dogs are in private foster homes. We do not have a facility and we don't believe in holding dogs in boarding kennels. All of our dogs are exposed to our foster families personal animals wether that be cats, dogs, kids and even in some cases a variety of livestock. Our adoptions are not approved on a first come first serve basis, but on a basis of the right home for the dog. We only set up a meet and greet with the foster family and the dog once an adoption application has been completed, reviewed and approved. Please understand that many of our foster families have full time jobs and families of their own, and that their time is valuable. If you see a dog on our website you are interested in, please start by completing the online adoption application. Our adoption fees vary from $150-$450 based on age and medical needs.
In order to meet an animal you must have an approved application on file prior to the meet and greet.
We take all breeds and species of livestock and equines. When we are looking for a forever home for them it is not a decision that is taken lightly. All of our animals are in private foster homes, being loved and cared for as our own pets.
Goats - Bottle baby goats come from dairies and auctions where the boys are generally culled, the dairies don't have a use for the little boys who wont grow up to make milk. So our foster families are bottle feeding and taking extra special care of these new borns. Bottle babies must be adopted in pairs at minimum unless they came to us as a single, same with adult goats. They are herd animals by nature. Adoption fees range from $50-300/pair.
Horses come from a variety of places. We will take in surrenders as space allows. We also help animal control and shelters with seizure and confinscate cases as well as a few of the auctions and kill pens. All of our horses are in foster homes, and come in all varieties. Each horse that is up for adoption is reviewed individually. No two horses are the same and each will have different requirements for the adopter. One thing is for sure, there is no such thing as a FREE horse! Adoption fees vary on the amount of medical and training the horse has received.
Although horses and goats are the 2 main species of livestock we take in regularly we do get lots of requests and can only take what we have a foster home available for. If there is a specific breed you are looking for please email us and we would love to work with you in the event we are contacted for an animal you are interested in.